The Hanuman Jayanti festival has commenced in Nepalgunj Sub Metropolitan City-2, Banke district. The three-day festival was inaugurated with the recitation of Akhanda Ramayana and the conduction of Nisan puja. Jitendra Singh, Vice Chairperson of the Hanuman Temple Operation and Management Committee, mentioned that a team of 12 people from Ayodhya in India would perform a special tableau, sing hymns of lord Shreeram, recite scriptures, and perform Tandav dance on the occasion.
Devotees from various parts of Nepal and India have gathered to celebrate the festival, and arrangements have been made to feed around 20,000 devotees with approximately Rs 2.8 donated by various people. The festival features the recitation of stories of Lord Shreeram, the presentation of Shiva Leela and Shreeram Leela, and hymn singing throughout the nights. The festival will conclude with a chariot procession.