Director Nischal Basnet’s shown anger towards the Censor Board of Nepal. Regarding the video of the Censor Board staff including family members censoring the Hindi film ‘Uunchai’ has gone viral in the media. During the censoring of any film, no one but only the officials of the censor can sit. Because, censoring a film means being sensitive to everything.
However, while censoring the bollywood film ‘Uunchai’ which is released today, there is not only the officials of the censor board, but also their relatives and families were present.
After this news came out, director Nischal Basnet raised a tough question. He has written – ‘Wow, movie censor board. Discussions and decisions in the Ministry of Communication came to a halt. He said that no one else except the officials will be kept when the film is censored. When ‘Loot’ was censored in 2012, the officials kept the family together with the children and censored them. And gave me a speech.”
Nischal further writes – ‘Even in 2022, the whole family has sat down to censor the Uunchai movie. Let the rules go to “Tukuchaa”. Now I want to see that anyone have to leave the job or will be left asking for an explanation. Will the Ministry of Communications take strict action against its officials, Censor Board and Film Development Board or not?’