ActionAid Nepal Celebrates International Youth Day with Life-Saving Blood Donation Program

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ActionAid International Nepal, a prominent non-governmental organization dedicated to social justice, successfully concluded a blood donation program. In conjunction with the celebration of International Youth Day, observed annually on August 12th, employees and young volunteers of ActionAid International Nepal participated in the event by generously donating blood.

The initiative, organized in collaboration with the Nepal Red Cross Society, aimed to emphasize the pivotal role of youth in saving lives across all domains. Sujitha Mathema, the executive director of Sanski, expressed during the event that blood donation holds the power to save lives and highlighted the significance of this seemingly small but immensely impactful program, particularly for those in dire need of blood.

Considering the challenges posed by the rainy season, which often brings forth disasters like floods and landslides, ActionAid Nepal orchestrated this blood donation program. The organization recognized the crucial need for an adequate blood supply during such times and sought to promote the leading role of youth in contributing to this humanitarian cause.

Through this inspiring event, ActionAid International Nepal reinforces its commitment to fostering a culture of compassion, support, and solidarity among the youth, emphasizing that their actions can bring hope and life-saving assistance to those facing medical emergencies.

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